Using reclaimed stone and reclaimed thin brick veneer in home, commercial and landscaping projects allows the reuse of materials without further processing, leaving it unaltered to retain its original technical and structural properties.
By purchasing natural stone, reclaimed stone and reclaimed brick products you are eligible for credits in a few different environmental improvement categories of LEED NC, the most widely used green building rating system in the US. from the US Green Building Council, including Sustainable Sites (SS), Energy and Atmosphere (EA), Materials and Resources (MR), and Innovation and Design (ID) to name a few.
Download the spec for our reclaimed brick through CADdetails.
We cite some examples of how reclaimed and natural stone fits into these categories below:
(thanks to information from the Natural Stone Council:
SS credit 7.1 - Heat Island Effect. Use of light-colored natural stone with a solar-reflective index of 29 or greater can reduce heat-island effects. May generate a credit when using stone caps on landscaping walls, stair treads, and pavement.
EA credit 1 - Optimize Energy Performance. The thermal mass of natural stone makes it eligible for credits for materials which positively impact indoor ambient air temperature, energy efficiency. Using natural and reclaimed stone for interior wall stone veneer would be an example of this as they may aid in reducing energy consumption.
MR credits - Several may be garnered due to the durability of stone, including:
Credits 2.1 & 2.2 - Construction Waste Management, divert 50-75% from disposal if “waste” stone used in construction is diverted to a beneficial use rather than disposed of.
Credits 3.1 & 3.2 - Materials Reuse, 5-10%. Apply if salvaged stone can be reused for another purpose in a building design.
Credits 5.1 & 5.2 - Regional Materials, 10-20% extracted, processed and manufactured. Apply of project uses natural stone that has been extracted, harvested or recovered within 500 miles of the project site for a minimum of 10% (cost) of total materials value.
Contact US Green Building Council for more information on achieving LEED credits when purchasing stone from Stone Farm.