A high-quality and functional pool coping is crucial for any pool installation. It not only creates the edging between the landscape and your pool, it also enhances the safety of your pool area. Reclaimed granite coping is not only functional has a unique look and feel that ensures your pool is stylish and visually appealing. Stone Farm …
Building Bests: Patio Pavers
When considering materials for a patio application, the first question should regard functionality: What type of finished surface is required for the space? Stone Farm loosely classifies surfaces from rustic (more surface variation) to refined (more of a uniform surface). A rustic surface might be fine around a fire pit or a walkway, but would not be suitable for a …
Building Bests: Building a Stone Driveway
Asphalt seems to be the most used, but unless maintained annually, doesn’t usually give any great curb appeal. Bordering asphalt with concrete pavers, or granite planking is one way to add a little appeal. The natural stone driveway that leads to your home can bring curb appeal to a whole new level, making a very big first impression. Natural stone …
3 Reasons Reclaimed Belgian Cobbles Make the Perfect Driveway Paver
We view Belgian reclaimed cobblestones as world heritage treasures! Not only are they filled with old world charm and architectural character, they also have many other positive points making them the perfect choice paver used in a stone driveway.
The Manhattan Project: Industrial Chic Styling Enhanced by Reclaimed Thin Brick Veneer
We at Stone Farm have been highly anticipating the grand finale of our Reclaimed Thin Brick project within this stunning Manhattan Penthouse….and here it is!
A NEW Design Twist for Margaritaville–Enhanced by Thin Brick Tile
Head on over to the new Margaritaville in Hollywood, FL and you will see that our Baltimore Blend of thin brick tile has been reclaimed and is not “Wastin’ Away” as they say! We love the finished look of this new commercial space complete with the famed parrot to boot, showcasing once again, how reclaimed brick can totally transform a space. Why …
Grey is the New Red in Thin Brick Veneer
Grey is the new red; in interior brick design, that is. Oftentimes the rustic feel of traditional red reclaimed brick doesn’t flow with the color scheme of the room that you are decorating. That is why we bring you our newest offering – reclaimed grey thin brick veneer.